Articles about my work in the International Press


The Travel Inspector - biggest travel blogger in Scandinavia

Mr. København: Dette er de 7 beste smørbrødrestaurantene

The Travel Inspector - biggest travel blogger in Scandinavia

Mr. København: Byens 7 beste luksusrestauranter

The Travel Inspector - biggest travel blogger in Scandinavia

Mr. København: De 7 beste storbyferie-hotellene byen

The Travel Inspector - biggest travel blogger in Scandinavia

Mr. København: Dette er Københavns 7 beste luksushotell

The Travel Inspector - biggest travel blogger in Scandinavia

Mr. København: Dette er Københavns 7 beste brasseri-kjøkken


Bell’Europa Magazine
Italy's only travel magazine devoted exclusively to travel in Europe
- my restaurant suggestions


Mr. Kopenhagen Interview - Connoisseur Circle Magazin

Most exclusive magazine in the German-speaking countries

Mein Kopenhagen


The Revolt Against Tourism, New York Times

- The question, says Henrik Thierlein, a spokesman for the city’s tourism office, is:

“How do you take advantage of the growth in tourism and not be taken over by mass tourism?”


Dinner and a deal, The Times

- "Danish cuisine has evolved radically over the past twenty years,

blending southern European influences with Denmark's natural produce,” says Henrik Thierlein


L’INTEGRALE - Emission spéciale autour du film "A Royal Affair", Radio Europe 1
Interview avec Henrik Thierlein, attaché de presse de Wonderful Copenhagen


Die stille Dulderin, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 

Hit reiser flest nordmenn i sommer,


Ils sont cools ces Danois: Les touristes attirés par « le pays du bonheur », Le journal minimal


Så följer du deras bröllop - på plats, Aftonbladet

Zwölf Hoteltipps für Ihren Sommerurlaub, Welt


Culinary Copenhagen is really cooking, The Irish Times


Get wired, The Times

- Henrik Thierlein at Visitcopenhagen “All the hotels here now offer wireless access, often requiring you to simply ...”


Kopenhagen: Der Tunnelblick, Zeit Online

My Copenhagen, The Copenhagen Traveler

- For the fourth and last edition of ‘My Copenhagen’ we have teamed up with the International Press Officer of Wonderful Copenhagen.

He knows a thing or two about the city, so sharpen your pen and get ready to explore.
"My finest task is to promote Copenhagen to the international press,

and to show them our beautiful city so they have the best tools to explore and experience the city."


Copenhagen: Laws of Attraction, Travel Trade Europe

Copenhagen: Strøget, Global Traveler 


Travel Write – Listed among SA’s Top 10 travel blogs

What to do with your 72-hour Copenhagen card, All4Women 

– “Dining out with the fabulous Henrik Thierlein, press officer of Visit Copenhagen is always a treat!

I met Henrik in 1998 and since then he has shown me Copenhagen gems I would never otherwise have found”

Europe - Wonder is all around 


Vi har testet fem av Københavns beste hoteller, Motor


The revolt against tourism, Deccan Herald


Gutta på dansketur,


København for single,


Redécouvrir Copenhague sur les pas d’Andersen le temps d’un week-end, Le Quotidien du Tourisme

Solstorm stoppade flygstarter i södra Sverige, Sydsvenskan

 – "Det verkar inte som om trafiken från Kastrup har påverkats säger Henrik Thierlein"


Mest besøkt: Informasjonssjef Henrik Thierlein ved turistkontoret i København

lister fem kjente besøksadresser i storbyen, Stavager Aftenblad

Sommerhygge i København,


Kopenhagen kookt van trots, De Volkskrant

Foodies are flocking to Copenhagen, Scandinavia’s gastro capital, Metro UK


Satusetä on vain yksi Tanskan vetonauloista, Turun Sanomat

Copenhague será una fiesta, El País


 Copenhague será una fiesta, La Presse

Smaka på hippa Nørrebro, Dagens Nyheter

 Copenhague : le temps des Fêtes à l'heure d'antan, Le Devoir

Copenhagen in November: In a word, perfect, Travel Weekly

Travel Extra’s Sunday Supplement

- "...and the irrepressible Henrik Thierlein of Wonderful Copenhagen,

widely celebrated as one of the best-known tourism press officers in the business."






Advisor in tourism, press & gastronomy