A travel journalist is only as good as the stories they are able to deliver and Henrik has been
responsible for some of the most popular articles I've written. I've worked with him for over 15 years and throughout that time, he's been consistently passionate about his job and delivered each and every time.
He's come up with fantastic angles, sorted out introductions - sometimes with almost no notice - and is
a font of knowledge and wisdom.
Sarah Turner
Freelance for Times, Mail on Sunday, Forbes Online
I’ve written a great many stories about Copenhagen and Henrik’s help has always been invaluable.
In many cases he's not only been a wonderful resource but also the starting point for the story.
I can call him up and ask “What’s new?” and he will have a dozen answers.
Whenever I've visited he’s made sure I meet the people and see the places that need to
be written about.His knowledge of the city is encyclopedic, helping me to see the city from an insider’s perspective.Thisknowledge, coupled with his boundless energy and friendliness, are why I’ve covered Copenhagen so often.
Stephen Whitlock
Freelance forCondé Nast Traveler, New York Times,
the Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph and Bon Appetit
Mr. Copenhagen of all times... Truely dedicated and passionated about getting Copenhagen positioned in
relevant and high profiled international media. And he did with great succes. Henrik has the ability to get people and
journalists facinated in and engaged with his unique storytelling. He is gifted in creating and maintaining relations
with journalists, suppliers, public partners and other stakeholders. As Director for Marketing and Communications at Wonderful Copenhagen, I have only experienced him as being honest, reliable, structured and very result orientated.
Birgitte Arendsdorf Olsen
Head of Communication
Wonderful Copenhagen CV
For over 15 years, Henrik Thierlein has been a trusted partner as we have worked with journalists from
around the world. From the time when I worked at the Danish Consulate, inviting fashion journalists from Canada
and the USA to Copenhagen Fashion Week, to now telling the story of Danish Architecture as it captures global
attention; Henrik has always found a way to relate our work to the relevance of global media. Henrik doesn’t just take
what we give him – he first does a great deal of investigation to understand our work, then he knows exactly who to
position the story for. He is a master communicator!
Jack Renteria
Royal Danish Consulate General in Toronto & Partner,
Director of Business Development and Communications at 3XN Architects, Copenhagen
"Henrik was one of the very first ones to believe in us back in 2003”
René Redzepi, noma
"Mødte Henrik efter mere end 20 år, det var et sjovt og hyggeligt gensyn, som
bragte gode minder frem fra langt tilbage i tid.
“Du er 100% dig selv og har præcis den samme dejlige energi og udstråling som
dengang på på VisitOdense 1990-1993”
Karin Ganzhorn, VisitOdense.dk
“I know Henrik as a knowledgeable, trustworthy and fun partner to work
with”Andersen & Absalon Hotel came on the top of mind of the international
journalists and bloggers thanks to the professional work of Henrik”
Karen Nedergaard, CEO / adm. Direktør Andersen & Absalon Hotel
”Henriks mangeårige, frivillige og vedholdende indsats i bestyrelsen har været
uvurderlig for den gennem årene skiftende sammensætning af bestyrelsen: Henrik
har spillet en hovedrolle ved at sikre den røde tråd i gårdens udvikling og i forhold
til sammenkitningen af bestyrelsen, når afgående medlemmer stoppede og nye
begyndte.Gennem alle årene er Henriks passionerede og vidt forgrenede interesse for
bestyrelsesarbejdets mange, forskelligartede opgaver kommet fællesskabet til gode.
Hertil kommer, at Henrik, fra i en årrække at have været bestyrelsesmedlem, de senere
år har påtaget sig den omfattende post at repræsentere gårdlauget som formand.”
Katja Schertiger, næstformand for Gårdlauget, Karré 27, Frederiksberg
A World press officer with the right network, outstanding
results and a great altitude
Mr. Henrik Thierlein believed us and was the first mover and true font runner to
get the high end medias to tell the right many stories about us.
Hotel Alexandra is probably the only hotel on Earth where you can sit in, rest in,
sleep in and admire so many Danish mid-century vintage furniture.
Hotel Alexandra, General Manger, Jeppe Mühlhausen
Well connected and always in the know, Henrik is the ultimate inspirator for media
stories about Copenhagen, cool copenhageners and Copenhagen lifestyle and livability.
He is known and respected by life style and travel journalists and influencers from all
over the world for contributing to their stories, never trying to push a non story.
Henrik understands Public Relations and has hosted numerous media trips as well as
visits from individual journalists and bloggers.
As Head of Communication and Public Relations of Wonderful Copenhagen CVB I worked
with him for more than a decade (1996-2010). Whenever I followed Henrik in the field I was
amazed by his knowledge of Copenhagen as well as Danish history and culture – and especially
his capability to add this expertise as relevant references to any story, presentation or event.
He enjoys both educating and entertaining his audiences and he knows how to read people and
exceed their expectations.
Henrik has a delicate sense of quality and you will not find any other person more relevant
to present whatever goes on, what could be approved or what should be told to create
interest and preference.
Three words about Henrik? In the know, enthusiastic and quality expert. Oops, that’s seven.
Mette Dahl-Jensen
Head of Communication
Wonderful Copenhagen CVB
Advisor in tourism, press & gastronomy